If you know me, you know I have my weaknesses. Cheese. Shopping. Kittens. I probably shouldn’t be posting my greatest weaknesses, actually, but I trust that no one will use them against me. And if you do—at least I’ll have cheese, clothing, and KITTENS! A couple months ago I went to a DC United soccer match and sat next to a little girl wearing a shirt that read, “YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY KITTENS!” Needless to say, we were pretty much BFF’s the whole game. Sure, she was seven, but kittens can bridge gaps like age. Never underestimate the power of a kitten.
Anywho, my friend Anna shares this kitten obsession, although she does practice a little more restraint. In May around finals time on a rainy afternoon, Anna and I were walking from class to my car that I always park illegally in this back alley. That’s when, under a desk outside, Anna and I spotted a liter of kittens that couldn’t have been more than 3-weeks-old. After about an hour of playing and looking for their mom/talking to the neighbors, we learned that this place was about to bulldozed and that the mom had abandoned them. They had been trying to feed the babies but they were worried they would end up like the last liter of kittens who literally got eaten by fleas. It was Anna and Linen to the rescue!
After a week of bottle feeding the little guys we decided to make a facebook group to try and find them homes. 3 were rescued and two remained with me. They are still with me, about 4 months old, and are in the SPCA Foster Care program. I’m their current foster mommy and I can’t IMAGINE how I’ll ever be able to give them up! Every second I spend with them they are on top of me, cuddling and purring like little vacuum cleaners. Oh, by the way, I call them Rocket Ship and Morning Star, and by call them I mean I can never decide on a name for kittens so that’s their name this week.
Last Wednesday I took Rocket Ship and Morning Star to the vet to get their *cringe* vaccines. Ever since then they haven’t been eating well and on Sunday they stopped eating all together! To make matters worse, today Rocket Ship wasn’t moving so I took them both to the hospital. RS has to stay overnight for a high fever. The diagnosis? Vaccine reaction.
If I had any doubt before that vaccines were dangerous, that doubt is completely gone! My little guy looked absolutely miserable today. I am so worried about him, and Morning Star apparently has a small fever too, but a stress fever from worrying about his brother. Tonight will be the first night they ever spend apart L I hope they don’t get too scared, especially Rocket Ship.
Tata-off to visit Rocky at the vet!