These days the vaccine industry seems to be positively booming. Thanks to Swine flu, the newest epidemic or pandemic or something, Big Pharma has created a vaccine to protect us from this horrifying (?) illness. I know people have died from it but most of the victims already had compromised immune systems. Besides, Ron Weasley had it and he’s still alive! I saw him last night on the big screen in the new HP movie, so I can vouch. Personally- I won’t take it, seeing as it was created in such a hurry and hasn’t been adequately tested to make sure it’s safe. But will I have a choice?
The government has been promoting vaccines more and more lately, including this one and the original influenza vaccine. Apparently in some states children aren’t even allowed to go to school if they haven't received the flu vaccine. But after doing quite a bit of research I don’t trust these vaccines and honestly, would rather risk flu than death or a horrifying auto-immune disorder. Some may think I’m being dramatic and turning into a crazy Jenny McCarthy follower but is she crazy like loon or crazy like a fox?!
My first concern- my friend recently had a baby who is about to turn 3-months-old (Awwww). His 2-year-old nephew recently got diagnosed with autism so as a concerned parent he asked me to do some research on vaccines and their safety or lack-there-of. After countless hours reviewing both sides of the story I have decided that there is no scientifically sound research with hard evidence telling me vaccines do not cause autism. Although there have been studies done that supposedly “disprove” the link, these studies were not only funded by drug companies (who rake in $10 billion, as in B, per annum from vaccines...“hello, biased?!”) but also have countless methodological issues which basically de-validify any of their ‘findings.’ Until there is research not funded by pro-vaccination government agencies and vaccine manufacturing companies, in my opinion, there is no research. Money and ethics don’t mix.
While there have been a couple of “credible” (according to organizations that are funded by the vaccine makers, such as Merk) studies there is so much more to research to be done. Is it the thimerosal, or mercury, in the vaccines that is causing autism and other auto-immune diseases? Is it the amount of vaccines children are given? Is it the age? Countless questions and minimal studies. Yes- the link has not been positively beyond a doubt proven, but it hasn’t been disproven either. And from doing my research, I would bet that in a few years this scandal will be uncovered and the link will be once and for all confirmed. Until then? I say educate yourself. Don’t rely on biased studies or the biased media- go online like I did and make your own informed decision, while you still can. And make sure you do all you can to ensure your decision is protected.
My personal vaccine concern is with Gardasil. I received one very painful shot but, being the forgetful person I am, forgot to get the second two. For once my flakiness might have saved my life (when I know for sure, I can totally use this to my advantage. What a great excuse. Bahahahahaaaa). After researching this ‘miracle vaccine’ I have learned that most of their clinical trials have been on animals (who don’t get cervical cancer…) and there are no longitudinal studies done to show whether or not there are long-term effects from the shot. Theone I'm mostly concerned about? Infertility. And now Merck is looking to make this vaccine compulsory. Merck, the same drug company that was sued by victims and their families who were damaged or killed because of their drugs: phen-fen, chantix, vioxx and accomplia. Super track record! Would you trust a drug company that obviously has no problem putting out drugs that are unsafe? Well, call me crazy, but I don’t. That’s like going back to a restaurant that gave you food poisoning over and over again. I would like to live, thanks.
Funny, I was just talking about vaccines! http://advocatusgaea.blogspot.com/2009/07/what-was-that-about-learning-from.html. Oh, and I'm going to Harry Potter tonight- can't wait!
ReplyDelete- Bridget
Love the cartoon! Thanks for another infomative and insightful post hungry hippy :)